
Our ministry could not exist without our partners-that is why we pray for our partners each and every morning.  When we bring Christ to someone-you are there!  When we counsel a married couple that are having a problem-you are there!  When we take the candlelighters (the families with children who have cancer) to the race track-you are there! 

 If the Chaplin is the heart of a ministry-you our partners are the Blood.  Your support allows the heart to keep pumping-without "the blood" we would die.

Thanks for your support



Mercedes Benz of Fort Myers

HiFi Racing

Inn on the Lakes

Home Depot

Mario’s Deli

Holliday Canopies

Scratch & Dent Auto Body, Inc.

OK Tire, Ft. Myers

A&D Automotive, Naples




New Hope Presbyterian Church 

National Missions

The Home Church of Cape Coral

Friend of Ministry

Cape Christian Fellowship


Ms. Mary Copeland

SCCA Friend of Ministry

Michael A. Schiffer

Ms. Dori Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ezelle

Pastor Chuck Ezelle II

Elizabeth Daniel

Raymond C. Matthews III

Race Driver Friend of Ministry

Judge Rad Sturgis

Brad Zoeller

Jeff Molnar

Beauford & B. Jeneanna Absher 


We are chasing God with horsepower

Please send your tax deductible donations to:

 Zoeller Motorsports Ministries
PO Drawer 6885
Fort Myers, Florida  33911-6885 USA

When You Can't Get To Church, We Bring Church To You!

Zoeller Motorsports Ministries - A Not For Profit 501c3 Florida Corporation